Poetry Spotlight

Our Poetry Spotlight features poetry from featured artists.

THE poetry spotlighT

The Poets

The Poets soothe our souls
causing cataclysmic encounters with self
raging words on pages
cause us to pause
and think
what is it to be loved
and downgraded

The Poets
The Poets uplift us
giving us hope
shaping our worlds
the frailest of beings

The Poets
The Poets teach us
they teach us
what it is to be
fully surrendered
to the moment
fully surrendered
to an invaluable craft
worthless to an economy
of nickels and dimes

The Poets
give us the highs
and lows
of the human existence
the ebbs and flows
the depth of humanity's sanity

What is it like to bring pen to prose
to exist on a forward inclination
revolving around the beauty
and suspense
of inanimate marks
changing lives forever
teaching concepts and thoughts
hidden from the human heart

The Poets
Society's Unsung Professor
yielding words and exclamations
in resounding escalations
keeping us rooted
while flying
in suspended
Craving the next encounter
of celebratory commotion

The Poets

Poetry by:

Sandra M. Coleman

Poetry Paints ©2015